Stripe for Ad Networks
Gruvian empowers publishers to serve their own custom ads.
Launch Your Custom Ad Network
Gruvian takes the busy work out of monetizing your website, app, or game.

Don't Stress About Advertiser Dashboards or Payments

Gruvian handles all of this out of the box. We even promote your network in our marketplace to help find you new advertisers.

Design Your Own Ad Format

Move beyond one-size fits-all banner ads. Choose an advertising approach that makes sense for your product and your users.

Customize the Parts of the Network that Matter

With Gruvian you can:

  • Set Minimum Prices for Ads
  • Whitelist or Blacklist Advertisers
  • Keep 75% of Advertising Revenue
We'll help you integrate Gruvian into your product
If you can call an API, then we can help you monetize with Gruvian
1const adResponse = await
2      "",
3      {
4        format_id: NETWORK_ID,
5        test_mode: true,
6        tags: ["finance", "startups"]
7      },
8      {
9        headers: { 
10        	Authorization: `Bearer ${API_KEY}` 
11        },
12      }
13    );    
1// Example ad
3  "filled": true,
4  "ad": {
5    "image": {
6      "url": "https://...jpeg",
7      "alt": "Image alt text"
8    }
9  },
10  "click_url": "https://..."