Publisher Pricing

Publisher Free


/ Month

  • 25% Ad Spend Fee
  • Unlimited Monthly Auctions
  • Customizable Ad Formats
  • Run Auctions with Custom Tags
  • 3% Processing Fee
  • Advanced Click Tracking and Analytics

Publisher Pro


/ Month

  • 0% Ad Spend Fee
  • Up to 1M Monthly Auctions
  • Customizable Ad Formats
  • Run Auctions with Custom Tags
  • 3% Processing Fee
  • Advanced Click Tracking and Analytics

Publisher Premium


/ Month

  • 0% Ad Spend Fee
  • Up to 10M Monthly Auctions
  • Customizable Ad Formats
  • Run Auctions with Custom Tags
  • 3% Processing Fee
  • Advanced Click Tracking and Analytics

Publisher Unlimited


/ Month

  • 0% Ad Spend Fee
  • Unlimited Monthly Auctions
  • Customizable Ad Formats
  • Run Auctions with Custom Tags
  • 3% Processing Fee
  • Advanced Click Tracking and Analytics