How to Create your own Ad Network on Gruvian

August 5, 2024

Have you ever thought about starting your own ad network? Don’t want to forfeit your UX to Google Ads? Thanks to Gruvian, we can create ad networks in whatever format we want!

A network on Gruvian is an individual application with its own user base. For example, if you owned an online blog, that would be your ad network.


  1. You’ve created a publisher account on the Gruvian Dashboard

Creating the Network

The first step is to go to the networks page. Here, you should be able to view all of the networks you’ve created. To create our first network, we just are going to click on “Create a new Network”.

You then should be taken to a page that’s a big form. Let’s break this form down step by step.

General Fields

Configuration Fields

Descriptive Fields


When you are done filling out the fields, click “Save” to create your network! This is the first step in monetizing your app and building out your network of sponsors.

The next step is to design your first ad format for this network. Here’s a useful tutorial to get started!